The board of directors of Blessing Mission Rwanda Inc are:

Richard Petcher: Owner of Petcher Seeds LLC.  Founding Father of this mission. William Jones:  Pastor of South Oak Grove Babtist Church. Jeremy Beech: Warehouse manager of Petcher Seeds. John Seymour: Owner of Roundstone Native Seeds in Upton, KY. James Walley: Manager of LP Gas in Buckatunna, MS. Mitchel Coaker: Owner of Coaker Trucking in Fruitdale, AL.

The Board of Directors in Rwanda (Photo to right)

Left to right are Naftali, farm manager in Mudende, Pastor Peter who teaches carpentry and is farm manager in Kanembwe, Pastor Etienne is the Father Minister of this group.   Karumuna the nurse going to medical school.  His responsibility is the health of the Rwanda children.   Francois is the head farm manager and works with every project.  Antoinette in the front, is responsible for the Proverbs 31 Sewing Ladies and for education for the Rwanda children.  There will soon be 100 Rwanda children in Elementary School.  This is the main group we are working with.  They each have a special love for the “Least of the Least” in Rwanda.    

Not shown is Pastor Theoneste Sentabire.  He is Head Master of the Great Lakes Bible College in Rwanda,

Thank you very much for sharing in prayer for our beautiful Rwanda Family and Friends.
