Our hope is to build a church in Kanembwe.  The new believers walk seven miles one way on Sunday to go to church.  In Kanembwe there are no churches.  We recently purchased land to build the church.  There are over 60 families here who would be extremely grateful to have their own church.  We are hoping to build this soon.

Pastor Etienne Nsanzimana and his wife Mama Timo were the Founding Fathers of our Blessing Mission Rwanda.  (Nsanzimana) means approaching God.  In January of 2020 Pastor Etienne invited me to come to Rwanda to help the Blessing People. Staying in their home was a rich blessing.  Clarmontene is the lady on the right.

In Mudende he was already working with the Blessing People.  He also took me to Kanembwe four days in a row.  None of the Blessing people would even give me eye contact.  I felt like I was not wanted. On the fifth day however for some reason the whole village gathered around and welcomed me.  This was the beginning of the new found richness of blessings.  There are now 60 families of Blessing People believes in Kanembwe.



